HeartMath®: Journey to the Heart Through Science – Deborah Rozman, PhD

In Audio, Brands for Good, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Global Research Expands Heart Power
Guest: Deborah Rozman, PhD, CEO of HeartMath® Inc
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence technologies

Poets, sages, and philosophers have spoken of the heart for thousands of years, yet it is a science that is now helping us see the real impact of the heart’s innate wisdom for increasing harmony and balance in everyday life… Click for more

Journey Into Now –Leonard Jacobson

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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The Power of Consciousness and Living in the Present Moment
Guest: Bestselling Author Leonard Jacobson, Spiritual Guide

Deeply committed to helping others experience the joy of living in the NOW, Leonard Jacobson delivers his eloquent perspective in this engaging and graceful hour. He is the founder of The Conscious Living Foundation… Click for more

Mademoiselle Chanel – C.W. Gortner

In Audio, Beauty, Entertainment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Great Spring Novel
by Guest/Bestselling Author: C.W. Gortner

Gortner’s brilliant gift for writing will gracefully sweep you away by the glamour, sorrow, love, and memories of the most legendary designer in fashion history. This engaging novel leaves you craving for one more page. Unsurprisingly… Click for more

Bestselling Author in Your Future? –Natalie Goldberg

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Cracking the Code to Masterful Writing
Guest: Bestselling Author Natalie Goldberg

Undoubtedly, Natalie Goldberg is one of the most sought-after mentors and influential writers of our time. Her books are humorous and insightful as they dig deep into your psyche and soul. I have laughed out loud… Click for more

The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary Things –Larry Dossey, MD

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Guest/Author: Larry Dossey, M.D.

Outside the realm of the ordinary, we find the extraordinary much closer than we might imagine. Dr. Dossey’s ability to share how to pursue deeper purpose and merge with innate powers helps shed light on our ability for self-actualization and well-being… Click for more

Effortless Beauty, The Ayurvedic Way –Dr. Helen M. Thomas, D.C.

In Audio, Beauty, Featured Authors, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Personal Development, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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10 Steps to Inner and Outer Radiance
Guest: Dr. Helen M. Thomas, D.C.
Author, Ayurveda: The A–Z Guide to Healing and Techniques from Ancient India

With 5,000 years of history and experience, Ayurveda is the secret behind some of the most beautiful women in the world… Click for more

Stephen R. Covey, Ph.D.: The Eighth Habit — From Effectiveness to Greatness

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author Stephen R. Covey

Renowned leader and bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People said the “Information Age, exemplified by the Internet, calls for the 8th habit to reach excellence in your personal and professional life.” Leadership styles continue to evolve… Click for more

The 7 Love Agreements –Douglas Weiss, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Decisions You Can Make On Your Own to Strengthen Your Marriage
Guest: Douglas Weiss,  Ph.D.

With this being heart and love month, I jumped back in time to an interview I did in 2014 that made sense then and still applies today. Who doesn’t want to have a happier and more fulfilling marriage and a fantastic relationship… Click for more

Gregg Braden: Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Hidden Power Within 
Guest: Bestselling Author Gregg Braden

All around the world, for thousands of years, human beings have prayed. Whether you call unexplainable results divine intervention, miracles, or coincidence, we know—even through science—that spoken and unspoken words have quantifiable power. Can prayer create a different outcome in one’s life… Click for more

Expanding Consciousness with Ancient Mysticism –June-Elleni Laine

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: June-Elleni Laine, Bestselling Author and Gifted Teacher

June-Elleni Laine is an international influencer as a published author, creative educator, and one of the genuinely spirit-inspired artists and tutors. Her love of life and passion for awakening the human spirit is contagious and irresistible! She has cultivated her gifts in a way that transforms lives through the grace of Divine Art as she opens hearts to the core of conscious awareness… Click for more

Dan Millman: Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Author Dan Millman

The bestselling author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior shares his journey of the heart and his path to awakening. Distilling the teachings of his sage-mentor Socrates, Millman sheds new light on ancient wisdom, with practical insight for how to live a truly extraordinary life… Click for more

Byron Katie: Loving What Is…

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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…While Finding Your Way
Guest: Byron Katie, bestselling author

How do you describe light when it is so bright that it shines throughout the world? Do you speak of its impact, its reflection, or the glow as it pours its radiance upon those it touches? Byron Katie is hard to describe… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: How to Know God

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Soul’s Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries
Guest: Bestselling Author Deepak Chopra

Our search for God and making sense of life has driven us to violence, scaling mountains for connection, and sitting silently in the pursuit of enlightenment. Ask three people to explain God… Click for more

Baptist De Pape: The Power of the Heart

In Audio, Entertainment, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Author/Film Producer: Baptist De Pape

Whether you ask Jane Goodall, Eckhart Tolle, or Deepak Chopra how to live a “heart centered” journey, you will find that every “body” has their own experience to share—just like the human heart. Baptist De Pape takes you into the hearts of some of the most profound spiritual guides of our times in The Power of the Heart,&nbsp… Click for more

The Keys to Supercharging Your Circulation –Dr. Fred Pescatore

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Boost Energy, Clear the Fog, & Get Back Your Spark 
Guest: Fred Pescatore, MD, Bestselling Author

 Did you know that between 2019 and 2021, the number of people working at home tripled? That means more people are moving less, sitting more, and creating significant changes at a core level that can have a profound physiological impact… Click for more

Ghost Hunters in the Dark –Dr. Dave Oester

In Audio, Featured Authors, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Ghostly Tales from the Archives
Guest: Dr. Dave Oester, Considered the father of the Online Paranormal Community and the Orb theory-Living Voices

Can the dead come back? Are ghosts only imagined? With All Hallow’s Eve upon us, we decided to stretch the boundaries of our usual perceptions. This subject questions our reality and has too much documentation to leave behind closed doors… Click for more

Is Burnout a New Kind of Normal? –Dr. Catherine Athans

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Unraveling the Facts for Mental Health 
Guest: Dr. Catherine Athans – Clinical and Health Psychologist, Author of The Heart Brain

If you are tired of circling your house for a different view and doing fake commutes for a distraction, my best advice is to switch gears and listen in… Click for more

Breema and the Nine Principles of Harmony –Jon Schreiber

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest:Jon Schreiber, Director of The Breema Center

Breema is the art of being present. It is the teaching of the heart and expression of the unifying principle of Existence. Its divine purpose is to create harmony and balance between your mind, feelings, and body, in relationship to yourself… Click for more

Healing With Sacred Sound –Don Tolman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Transformation with Crystal Carillon
Guest: Don Tolman, Wholefood Medicine Man and Wisdom Warrior 

While traveling the world, asking the deep questions of the soul and searching for the perfect food, Tolman discovered the ancient technology used to progress consciousness and healing. His path led him to a more effective way to remove mental… Click for more

Building a Better World in Your Backyard – Paul Wheaton

In Audio, Community, Featured Authors, Gardening, Nutrition, Personal Development, Real Food, Science of Living, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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… Instead of Being Angry at Bad Guys 
Guest: Paul Wheaton, Software Engineer, Contemporary Permaculture Theorist, Master Gardener 

Though Paul Wheaton is suggesting functional changes that can start at home, it seems a fitting title for the state of our world. Everything begins in your backyard… Click for more

What the Bleep Do We Know? Part 2 –Dr. Joe Dispenza

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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If I change my mind, will I change my choices?
Guest: Dr. Joe Dispenza
New York Times Bestselling Author

Dr. Dispenza is undoubtedly one of the brightest minds on the planet. His ground-breaking mind-body research has contributed to our greater understanding of DNA and the power of the pineal gland to expand consciousness and create reality… Click for more

What the Bleep Do We Know? Part I –Mark Vicente and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

In Audio, Entertainment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Movie That Unlocks Human Potential
Guests: Mark Vicente and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

What if your life could happen on purpose? Where your thoughts, dreams and desires manifest before your eyes. Wishes become your new reality, instead of fading away… Click for more

Billionaire Secrets of Success –Bill Bartman

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author Bill Bartman 

Hear a “rags to riches” story that could change the outcome of your own life, once and for all. If you’ve wanted to become financially free and still can’t seem to catch the golden ring, what would it be worth to have time with a master who cracked the code on wealth… Click for more

Charge Your Immune Power to Protect Your Life – Dr. Cass Ingram

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Real Food, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Action Steps for Powerful Results 
Guest: Dr. Cass Ingram, Osteopath 
Author, The Miracle of Wild Oregano 

Dr. Cass Ingram is another great leader who impacted millions during his short life and incarnation. His library of knowledge will live on forever. There is no longer a cold… Click for more

The Answer –John Assaraf

In Audio, Entertainment, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Success Leaves a Trail. Discover the Clues to Finding Those First Steps
Guest: Bestselling Author and Transformational Coach John Assaraf

If you saw the movie and global phenomenon “The Secret,” you will remember the exact moment where bestselling author John Assaraf had the profound epiphany explaining the “Law of Creation&#8221… Click for more

Art Cuisine for The Wellness Lifestyle –Chef Daniel Orr

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Real Food, Recipes, Restaurants, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Chef Daniel Orr
Cowritten with Kelly Jo Baute, Ph.D.   

I have had the divine pleasure of watching this master chef carve his niche in the early days when “Green Cuisine” was a fringe category. Farm-to-table and seed-to-soul are bright manifestations of daring artists like Chef Daniel Orr… Click for more

The Art of Being Psychic –June-Elleni Laine

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Developing the Skills to Accelerate Your Life 
Guest/Author: June-Elleni Laine
Author, Spirit Artist, Gifted Intuitive Guide

“Wisdom sits on the edge of consciousness” 

Creative, intuitive, and practical is a rare combination on the journey to self-discovery and inspired living… Click for more

Optimizing Men’s Health: Energy, Vitality, And Virility –Steven Lamm, M.D.

In Audio, Brands for Good, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Building a lifestyle for longevity
Guest: Steven Lamm, M.D.
Researcher, Bestselling Author

June is National Men’s Health Month. With that in mind, we called in the best to bring you the latest news to keep you on top of your game! World-renowned, bestselling author and a leading researcher on men’s health… Click for more

Healing Hearts (Heart Matters) –Kathy Magliato, MD

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Memoir of a Female Heart Surgeon
Guest/Author: Kathy E. Magliato, MD, MBA, FACS

As one of the few female heart surgeons in the world today, Dr. Kathy Magliato shattered the glass ceiling in the male-dominated exclusive club of heart transplant surgeons. She changed the landscape–and broke the code with grace while enlightening the industry with care and extraordinary medical experience… Click for more

Just Like a Woman –Dianne Hales

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How Gender Science is Defining What Makes Us Female
Guest: Dianne Hales, Author

This remarkable study proves that men are from Mars and women are from Venus once and for all. How can it help you to navigate your personal life? This fundamental insight offers valuable wisdom for the next time your partner does something that has you shaking your head in amazement and wonder… Click for more

If Caterpillars Can Fly, So Can I –Alvin Day

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Master the 7 Universal Laws to Achieve and Prosper
Guest: Alvin Day, Success Coach and Bestselling Author

Have you ever been to an event where the speaker captivated your spirit at the core and left you breathless by their light? Alvin Day is one of those rare beings who delivers a message that strikes deep into your soul by asking… Click for more

Reduce Stress in 50 Seconds or Less –Robin Silverman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Feathers: 50 Things to Lighten Up and Set Yourself Free
Guest: Author Robin Silverman, CEO Fullistic, LLC

In her bestselling book, Silverman provides 50 simple actions to release negative emotion and restore energy flow. Based on the art of Fullistic® consciousness, she applies life-enhancing energy sciences—quantum physics… Click for more

Breaking the Cycle of Fatigue –Michael Schwartz

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Michael Schwartz, Founder of Michael’s Naturopathic Programs

If coffee and sugar are your answer to the afternoon lag, then make sure you block out the time to learn the real secrets to accessing natural energy. Where you’ll find it may surprise you. The pieces of the puzzle are revealed in this riveting interview with world-renowned author and Naturopathic Practitioner… Click for more

A Fragile Thread of Hope –Andi Buerger

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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One Survivor’s Quest to Rescue 
Guest: Author Andi Buerger, Co-Founder of Buelah’s Place 

Bearing the unbearable is hard to write about in a few lines on paper. This week’s story addressing sex trafficking and child abuse is heartbreaking because it’s true. Though severe to report on… Click for more

Balancing Life from the Inside Out –Michael Schwartz

In Audio, Brands for Good, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Michael Schwartz, Naturopath, Bestselling Author
Founder of Michael’s Naturopathic Programs  

You have undoubtedly heard that extraordinary times call for exceptional measures. So, where do we begin when so many threads of the baskets seemed to have frayed in every direction? Great saints and sages have offered wisdom from ancient knowledge… Click for more

Byron Katie: A Mind at Home with Itself

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Living the Revolutionary Process Called “The Work”
Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of “Loving What Is”

 In difficult times anxiety rises, questions surpass answers, and the seeds of fear, anger, and depression are watered by thoughts in the mind. Beloved spiritual teacher and bestselling author Byron Katie partners with distinguished scholar Stephen Mitchell to shed light on the profound text of&nbsp… Click for more

The Resiliency Advantage –Al Siebert, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Master change, thrive under pressure, and bounce back from setbacks
Guest: Bestselling Author Al Siebert, Ph.D.

Resiliency is such an exquisite word for our time. In the presence of global disruption, and with the twists and turns of everyday life, being resilient is essential to thriving… Click for more

The Healing Powers of Nature’s Super Antioxidant –Dr. Fred Pescatore

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The History, the Wisdom, the Science
Guest: Bestselling Author Fred Pescatore, MD 

With the complexities facing us today in health care and wellness, millions of people actively desire to find more natural solutions. We turned to history and science to learn more about botanicals that meet specific needs to protect human life… Click for more

Holiday Meals From the Heart –Chef Daniel Orr

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Real Food, Recipes, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Tastes of the Season
Guest: Chef Extraordinaire Daniel Orr
Bestselling Author and Organic Farmer

We went back in time for this holiday season. 

Though we may not be meeting around the family table this year, special times can still be savored, even on a Zoom cookout… Click for more

Byron Katie: Moving to the Next Level of Life

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of Loving What Is

How do you describe light when it is so bright that it shines throughout the world? Do you speak of its impact, its reflection, or the glow as it pours its radiance upon those it touches?

Byron Katie is hard to describe… Click for more

Essential Keys for Optimum Joint Health –Fred Pescatore

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author, Fred Pescatore, MD

If joint pain, stiffness, and discomfort are affecting your life, you are not alone. According to the CDC, osteoarthritis (OA) is affecting more than 30 million Americans alone. Over time it can lead to weight gain, disrupt everyday life, even impact your emotional wellbeing. This hour is a bright light for positive choices and natural options that can turn your health around. &nbsp… Click for more

Every Word Has Power –Yvonne Oswald, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Switch on your language and turn on your life
Guest: Bestselling Author Yvonne Oswald, Ph.D.
Master Trainer, NLP and Hypnosis

From Gandhi to the Bible, we have understood that there is power in our words. But what is that power? How can you harness it to shift old patterns that have been holding you back… Click for more

How What You Eat Affects Your Personality –Kat James

In Audio, Featured Authors, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Kat James, author of The Truth About Beauty

From the impact sugar can have on your body to the effects probiotics can have on your mood, this hour breaks down the beliefs, myths, and misconceptions of what’s healthy to eat—and some things you shouldn’t eat that may surprise you… Click for more

A Shaman’s Journey with Energy Medicine –Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

In Audio, Environment, Featured Authors, Healing, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
Psychologist and Medical Anthropologist
Founder, Four Winds Society

As we search the globe for answers to complex questions on life, living, healing and peace, we find nature has always had the answers. From deep jungles to the high Himalayas, Alberto Villoldo opens doors of insight for the new world and a new way for enlightenment… Click for more

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wisdom of the Ages

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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60 Days to Enlightenment
Guest: Bestselling Author Wayne W. Dyer

In his influential collection of sacred writings, poems, and sayings, Dr. Dyer always dove deep into the minds of the greatest thinkers of the past twenty-five centuries. His perspective on each piece of wisdom continues to offer us new ways to apply these teaching in everyday life. He brought us priceless knowledge from a life well-lived.&nbsp… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: The Daughters of Joy

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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An Adventure of the Heart
Guest: Deepak Chopra

In the search for love and redemption, Chopra threads together the calling in the heart with the desire to discover the power of love. From ancient wisdom to modern life, the lead character, Jess, finds himself in a world he never envisioned… Click for more

The HeartMath® Solution with Howard Martin

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Development, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Engaging the Power of the Heart’s Intelligence
Guest: Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, HeartMath® Institute

In 1993, when I first journeyed to the HeartMath® center in Santa Cruz, I certainly never imagined that a weekend transformational retreat could alter the way I view our world forever… Click for more

COVID’s Deep Dive and How to Stay Safe – Dr. Cass Ingram

In Audio, Brands for Good, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Anti-Septic, Anti-Viral, and Immune Boosting Spices 
Guest: Dr. Cass Ingram, Osteopath, Master Herbalist 

From black seed to Oreganol™, cinnamon to clove, spices can play a significant role in your health plan when used with the right knowledge and application. This hour brings you a fascinating look at this strange and confusing pandemic while offering invaluable resources to protect your health all the way around.&nbsp… Click for more

Your Sacred Anatomy, Part I – Desda Zuckerman

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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An Owner’s Guide to the Human Energy Structure
Guest: Desda Zuckerman

What if there is an owner’s guide for your life and you never received it? You arrived, spent all of this time trying to figure out the journey, only to discover it could have been so much easier!&nbsp… Click for more

The Earth Keeper Alliance – Adam Hall

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Futurism, Money, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Undeveloping the Future
Guest/Author: Adam Hall

As I read page after page of Adam C. Hall’s offering, I found myself holding my breath…with life breathing through me. The exquisite account of a human being fully expressing himself is the ultimate experience of the soul… Click for more

Toggle It! –Laurie Heusinger, LMT, NTS

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Rebooting Your Emotional System with Cognitive Polar Transformation
Guest/Author: Laurie Heusinger, LMT, NTS
Founder, Alpha Omega Therapeutics and Nova Dawn Technologies

What is CPT, and what can it do for you? How about a reboot with a fresh start and a new outlook for your future… Click for more

Magical Meals in Minutes: One Pot Cooking –Jesse Ziff Cool

In Audio, Entertainment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Real Food, Recipes, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Savory, Simple and Delicious
Guest: Restauranteur and Chef Jesse Ziff Cool

At-home dining can be as exciting as restaurant hopping when you learn the secrets of one-pot cooking. Award-winning Chef Jesse Ziff Cool shares how to create savory, simple, and delicious delights. Savor the time to enjoy meals with family and friends!… Click for more

Immune Activation with Wild Essential Oils – Dr. Cass Ingram

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Mother Nature’s Superpowers
Guest: Dr. Cass Ingram, Osteopath, Master Herbalist, and Wilderness Doctor 

If there was ever a time when we needed common sense and direction, this is the moment. The most up-to-date research shows that wild-grown essential oils and balanced nutrition may be the smartest route for boosting your immune system on every front… Click for more

Brian Tracy: The Way to Wealth

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Success Strategies of the Wealthy Entrepreneur
Guest: Brian Tracy, Author and Powerful Wealth Guru

If you’re already an entrepreneur or business leader, no doubt you’re familiar with world-renowned wealth trainer and bestselling author Brian Tracy. If not—and you’re still wondering how to get your financial plan on track—listen in to learn the proven strategies that can change your money outlook and turn your actions into income… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: The Path to Love

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Spiritual Strategies for Healing
Guest: Bestselling Author Deepak Chopra

Chopra and I share a conversation rich in content and texture,  discussing one of his very first novels. Embracing the power of spirit in our lives, he inspires us to reflect, ask questions of ourselves… Click for more

Alexander Avila, Ph.D.: LoveTypes®

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Discover Your Romantic Style and Find Your Soul Mate
Guest: Alexander Avila, Ph.D.

Are you tired of the state of your love life, and wondering how to make a good relationship great? Dr. Alexander Avila is a bestselling author and creator of the revolutionary LoveTypes® system… Click for more

Jack Canfield: One Day to Greatness

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Moment That Could Change Your Life Forever!
Bestselling Author Jack Canfield
Author of The Success Principles and Chicken Soup for the Soul

Can one day really change your life? Aspiring to greatness may have a different meaning for each of us—but with Jack Canfield… Click for more

Immune-Boosting Benefits of Wild Chaga – Dr. Cass Ingram

In Audio, Brands for Good, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Innate Healing Power of Mushrooms 
Guest: Bestselling Author Dr. Cass Ingram, Osteopath

The use of this versatile fungus started with indigenous Siberians, who used it for stews, soups, and daily beverages. It went on to a long history with ancient cultures who saw its value in the prevention of degenerative diseases… Click for more