Change You to Change the World –Aman Motwane

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Breaking Patterns from Within
Guest: Bestselling Author Aman Motwane, the UnGuru

If you sometimes feel that the world has gone crazy and the noise of life is too loud, take a break and tune in for this rare moment beyond inspiration. Aman Motwane was an early adopter who broke the mold for how we were making sense of our planet’s future… Click for more

Spiritual Anatomy –Ginny Nadler

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Realigning Body and Soul
Guest: Ginny Nadler

The work of Ginny Nadler is the path to reconnecting to your soul. Her gift of aligning the body’s sacred geometry offers a new dimension for living a life filled with love, joy, and peace in the human experience… Click for more

Outsmarting Anger –Joseph Shrand, MD

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy by Danielle Lin, C.N.2 Comments

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7 Strategies for Defusing Our Most Dangerous Emotions
Guest: Joseph Shrand, M.D.
Instructor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Watching the tragic moments unfold before our eyes, we understand the incredible importance of this timely conversation. In Outsmarting Anger, Dr. Shrand brilliantly addresses navigating sensitive conversations when emotions and perspectives are off balance… Click for more

Principles of Human Achievement, Part 2 –George Zalucki

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: George Zalucki
Entrepreneur and Wisdom Coach

If you are burning inside to reach your full potential but can’t see the path, you have found the ticket to The Golden Trail. Bestselling author and global leadership coach George Zalucki offers the light to navigate your journey with a clear vision and the steps to follow.… Click for more

Dream Guidance –Machiel Klerk, MS

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Connecting to the Soul Through Dream Incubation 
Machiel Klerk, M.S. in Depth Psychology, Author, Founder of Jung Platform 

For thousands of years, in every culture, dream incubation has been sought after and revered to help find answers for solving many of the most complex and fundamental questions of life… Click for more

Principles of Human Achievement, Part 1 –George Zalucki

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: George Zalucki
Bestselling Author of Leader of Champions 

There are not enough words in the English language to describe the authenticity of this extraordinary leader and humanitarian. His heart-centered approach to personal  transformation, leadership, and success has impacted millions of souls globally… Click for more

The Mood Cure –Julia Ross, M.A.

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Exploring Alternatives to Antidepressant Drugs 
Guest/Author: Julia Ross, M.A.
Pioneer in the field of Nutritional Therapy

We are in a “bad mood epidemic,” states bestselling author Julia Ross. Though depression and anxiety continue to wreak havoc in people’s lives, Ross says there is good news to improve your outlook and state of mind… Click for more

Everyday Enlightenment –Dan Millman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth
Guest: Dan Millman
Bestselling Author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Wouldn’t it be great to have a road map for life? Bestselling author Dan Millman brings enlightenment down to earth. Shift confusion to clarity and discover how to balance your mind… Click for more

The Luck Factor –Dr. Richard Wiseman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Four Essential Principles
Guest: Richard Wiseman, Ph.D.

Do we make our luck—good or bad? Why is it that some people always grab the golden ring while others struggle to get by? Whether it’s your relationships, health, or happiness that need a boost, this hour offers an unexpected gift of having more joy in your life… Click for more

Elliott Hiller: All You Need to Know About Everything

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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 A Practical Guide to Material Wealth and Spiritual Fulfillment 
Guest: Elliott Hiller

On the journey to awakening, the reflective mirror becomes much brighter with each new perception of self. You dig in, come up for air, dive down again, and discover life is a process unfolding.… Click for more

What You Think About, You Bring About – Blaine Oelkers

In Audio, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How to Change Ineffective Habits in 21 Seconds 
Guest: Blaine Oelkers, Mastering RAS with Brain Science and More 
Unlocking The Screen of Your Mind: WYTAYBA 

Mastering the art of transformation does not come without trial and error, says Chief Results Officer Blaine Oelkers. Imagining that you could break a lifetime of patterns in a few seconds may sound too good to be true… Click for more

Gregg Braden: Human by Design

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Evolution by Chance, Evolution by Choice
Guest: Bestselling Author Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden’s passion for unraveling the science of higher consciousness continues peeling away the layers that leave us craving to dive deeper into the inner journey. In this extraordinary moment of global transformation… Click for more

The War of Art –Steven Pressfield

In Art, Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Nothing Less than Sun-Tzu for the Soul 
Guest: Bestselling Author Steven Pressfield

If you are a visionary, entrepreneur, writer, or artist, you certainly know the pain of resistance; the enemy within—that which blocks the path of creative engagement, clouds the vision, and blurs your dream… Click for more

Emergence –Barbara Marx Hubbard

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Shift from Ego to Essence
Guest: Barbara Marx Hubbard, visionary

We wanted to honor the passing of one of the great sages of our time. This hour creates questions we should all be asking about the future, while delivering answers that will evolve our world… Click for more

The Science of Change –Tom Somodi

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Psychology, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Succeeding Against All Odds
Guest: Tom Somodi, President and CEO of Change Science Institute

Have you ever just felt stuck? I am sure you have written New Year’s resolutions, birthday wishes for your life to change, or are, even now, being forced to face new directions but don’t know how to navigate the uncertain terrain… Click for more

Caroline Myss, PhD: Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Your Biography Becomes Your Biology
Guest: Caroline Myss, PhD
Medical intuitive, renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality, energy medicine, and science of intuition

Medical intuitive and New York Times bestselling author Caroline Myss broke the code surrounding belief systems to uncover the true nature of what heals us… Click for more

Remembering Wholeness –Carol Tuttle

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Carol Tuttle, Certified Master Rapid Eye Therapist, Certified Reiki Master, and Emotional Freedom Technique Therapist

Are You in Control of Your Life, or is Your Life in Control of You?
We recorded this interview in 2014. How would you answer the question now? This fast-moving conversation opens doors to discover how to clear emotional energy quickly and release the negative patterns holding you back from the best of your life… Click for more

The Stress Effect –Richard Weinstein, D.C.

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.2 Comments

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Connecting Meaning, and Good Health
Guest: Richard Weinstein, D.C.

It’s a wild world, and stress is part of life. Knowing how to balance and manage is the best way to prevent long-term damage. From headaches to weight gain, hair loss, and inflammatory conditions, Dr. Weinstein says it starts with the basic knowledge that everyone needs to know… Click for more

What Is Solar Psychology? Part 2 –Al Joy

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Adapting to Technology, Transformation, and the Human Experience
Guest: Al Joy, Philosophy, Astrology, Psychology, and Economics

The wisdom of this sage is a considerable blessing in these disruptive times. Meshing his dynamic philosophy and knowledge of life and earth, Al Joy touches the soul, helping to make sense of change and transformation throughout human history. With planetary shifts and technological expansion… Click for more

What Is Solar Psychology? Part 1 –Al Joy

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Futurism, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Who Are You, and Why Are You Here?
Guest: Al Joy, Purveyor of Philosophy, Astrology, Psychology, and Economics

I could explain this interview all day long and still wouldn’t do justice to the elevated conversation this brilliant man’s insight and wisdom offers. For those of you with an open mind… Click for more

Why We Believe What We Believe –Andrew Newberg, MD

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Uncovering Our Biological Need for Meaning, Spirituality, and Truth
Guest: Neuroscientist Andrew B. Newberg, M.D.

Why do you believe what you hold to be your most profound truth? Whether it is God—or no God—conspiracy theories or miracles, we each hold dearly our perceptions about how we experience life… Click for more

The Wisdom of Cranial Sacral Therapy

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Guest: John Upledger, D.O.

This hour is for those always looking for the next most significant thing to expand their consciousness or physical reality. Or you may be seeking greater wisdom because of an injury or physical imbalance. Though legendary Dr. John Upledger, the “Father of Cranial Sacral Therapy,” left this incarnation in 2012… Click for more

John C. Maxwell: What Effective Leaders Do Differently

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
Guest: John C. Maxwell, Author of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

Now more than ever, we need to connect at a deep soul level. The fabric of life may seem frayed, but there is an opportunity to weave a new story that awakens us to a higher level of consciousness… Click for more

The Secret of the Shadow –Debbie Ford

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Power of Owning Your Own Story
Guest: Debbie Ford, bestselling author

Though Debbie left all too soon, she gifted us with the insight and deep understanding of how to find inner joy and personal connection. She helped shine a light on the shadow side of our being and showed us how to move beyond fear and negative self-talk… Click for more

Robert E. Staub II: The 7 Acts of Courage

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Bold leadership for a wholehearted life
Guest: Robert E. Staub II

In times of uncertainty and disruption, courageous leadership will be paramount for guiding the way across the sea of change. Staub brings practical insight and applications for us to seize control of our lives… Click for more

The Everyday Work of Art –Eric Booth

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Awakening the Extraordinary in Your Daily Life
Guest: Eric Booth, Actor, Businessman, Bestselling Author and Winner of the Global Teach Prize

From Shakespearean actors to business icons, we discover the importance of our perception and perspective on life through Booth’s expressive writings. Noting that common sense is not so common… Click for more

Deeper Than Words –Tony Samara

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest/Author: Tony Samara

There is no question we are encouraged to shift and change our perspectives and lives at this time in history. Tony answers pertinent questions about moving to a new state of awareness. By meditation, clearing toxins from the body, and maintaining a balanced diet… Click for more

In Sync with the Opposite Sex –Alison Armstrong

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Sex, Love & Intimacy by Danielle Lin, C.N.2 Comments

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Insights that Change the Landscape
Guest: Bestselling Author Alison Armstrong

If you would love an incredible relationship, better sex life, and a deeper connection with your partner, this hour is for you! Relationships get a whole lot easier when you can eliminate the pitfalls before you end up sitting in them… Click for more

Are You Getting Out of Life What You Really Want? –Paula K. Bronte

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Rapid Eye Therapy Delivers Profound Changes 
Guest: Paula K. Bronte, MRET

Master Rapid Eye therapist and practitioner Paula K. Bronte shares how RET can quickly: release the blocks that impede your financial success, address addictions, elevate relationships and expand skills and talents. It can even open you to expanding your skills and talents… Click for more

The Four Agreements with don Miguel Ruiz

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Psychology, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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A Practical Path to Deep Joy and Happiness
Guest: don Miguel Ruiz, Bestselling Author

The simple yet profound wisdom offered by don Miguel Ruiz can activate spiritual transcendence. Gifting us with the four beneficial agreements in this small, but powerful, book, one understands the necessity of this knowledge for our current times and future… Click for more

Designing Life from the Dream World –Machiel Klerk

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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What really happens when you close your eyes to rest?
Guest: Machiel Klerk, M.A., LMFT, Founder Jung Platform

It may be hard to imagine that you could dream your life into reality while sleeping. But what if those nighttime doorways could open to divine messages that deliver insight for manifesting your ultimate life… Click for more

HeartMath®: Journey to the Heart Through Science – Deborah Rozman, PhD

In Audio, Brands for Good, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Global Research Expands Heart Power
Guest: Deborah Rozman, PhD, CEO of HeartMath® Inc
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence technologies

Poets, sages, and philosophers have spoken of the heart for thousands of years, yet it is a science that is now helping us see the real impact of the heart’s innate wisdom for increasing harmony and balance in everyday life… Click for more

The Extraordinary Power of Ordinary Things –Larry Dossey, MD

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Guest/Author: Larry Dossey, M.D.

Outside the realm of the ordinary, we find the extraordinary much closer than we might imagine. Dr. Dossey’s ability to share how to pursue deeper purpose and merge with innate powers helps shed light on our ability for self-actualization and well-being… Click for more

Stephen R. Covey, Ph.D.: The Eighth Habit — From Effectiveness to Greatness

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author Stephen R. Covey

Renowned leader and bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People said the “Information Age, exemplified by the Internet, calls for the 8th habit to reach excellence in your personal and professional life.” Leadership styles continue to evolve… Click for more

Crafting Calm –Maggie Oman Shannon, M.A.

In Art, Audio, Community, Healthy Home, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation
Guest: Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, M.A.

Creating simplicity in this complicated life can be difficult yet millions worldwide seek and are finding balance through heart-soothing crafts. Technology did not simplify our journey, it increased the speed of functionality… Click for more

Expanding Consciousness with Ancient Mysticism –June-Elleni Laine

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: June-Elleni Laine, Bestselling Author and Gifted Teacher

June-Elleni Laine is an international influencer as a published author, creative educator, and one of the genuinely spirit-inspired artists and tutors. Her love of life and passion for awakening the human spirit is contagious and irresistible! She has cultivated her gifts in a way that transforms lives through the grace of Divine Art as she opens hearts to the core of conscious awareness… Click for more

Commanding Miracles is Easier Than You Think! – Kerri Kannan

In Audio, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Kerri Kannan
Founder of Divine Within 

Have you ever had those days when you wished for a miracle but came up short? You have tried the Law of Attraction, tapping, hypnosis, and prayer, yet you still wonder why your dreams fade away.

After more than 25 years of research and experience… Click for more

Byron Katie: Loving What Is…

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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…While Finding Your Way
Guest: Byron Katie, bestselling author

How do you describe light when it is so bright that it shines throughout the world? Do you speak of its impact, its reflection, or the glow as it pours its radiance upon those it touches? Byron Katie is hard to describe… Click for more

Navigating Life’s Storms – Terry Lyles, Ph.D.

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Finding Balance On The Journey
Guest: Terry Lyles, Ph.D.

Navigating the curves on this unexpected journey has thrown everyone off course. Whether you are sorting through ways to find new economic resources, working at home with dogs and kids running around, or just scratching your head trying to make sense of a thousand-piece puzzle called life… Click for more

Baptist De Pape: The Power of the Heart

In Audio, Entertainment, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Author/Film Producer: Baptist De Pape

Whether you ask Jane Goodall, Eckhart Tolle, or Deepak Chopra how to live a “heart centered” journey, you will find that every “body” has their own experience to share—just like the human heart. Baptist De Pape takes you into the hearts of some of the most profound spiritual guides of our times in The Power of the Heart,&nbsp… Click for more

Ghost Hunters in the Dark –Dr. Dave Oester

In Audio, Featured Authors, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Ghostly Tales from the Archives
Guest: Dr. Dave Oester, Considered the father of the Online Paranormal Community and the Orb theory-Living Voices

Can the dead come back? Are ghosts only imagined? With All Hallow’s Eve upon us, we decided to stretch the boundaries of our usual perceptions. This subject questions our reality and has too much documentation to leave behind closed doors… Click for more

Is Burnout a New Kind of Normal? –Dr. Catherine Athans

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Unraveling the Facts for Mental Health 
Guest: Dr. Catherine Athans – Clinical and Health Psychologist, Author of The Heart Brain

If you are tired of circling your house for a different view and doing fake commutes for a distraction, my best advice is to switch gears and listen in… Click for more

Transformation from the Ground Up –Sylvia Nibley

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Change Anything; You Are Designed To
Guest: Sylvia Nibley, Wisdom and Catcher, Founder/Creator of Inquiry Cards

Are your beliefs holding you back? Is something missing in your life, and you can’t catch the elusive ring to manifest it? In this hour, we share the airwaves with one of the most significant partners on this planet for shifting consciousness… Click for more

What the Bleep Do We Know? Part 2 –Dr. Joe Dispenza

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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If I change my mind, will I change my choices?
Guest: Dr. Joe Dispenza
New York Times Bestselling Author

Dr. Dispenza is undoubtedly one of the brightest minds on the planet. His ground-breaking mind-body research has contributed to our greater understanding of DNA and the power of the pineal gland to expand consciousness and create reality… Click for more

What the Bleep Do We Know? Part I –Mark Vicente and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

In Audio, Entertainment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Movie That Unlocks Human Potential
Guests: Mark Vicente and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

What if your life could happen on purpose? Where your thoughts, dreams and desires manifest before your eyes. Wishes become your new reality, instead of fading away… Click for more

The Answer –John Assaraf

In Audio, Entertainment, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Success Leaves a Trail. Discover the Clues to Finding Those First Steps
Guest: Bestselling Author and Transformational Coach John Assaraf

If you saw the movie and global phenomenon “The Secret,” you will remember the exact moment where bestselling author John Assaraf had the profound epiphany explaining the “Law of Creation&#8221… Click for more

Getting Life Right –Sheldon Ginsberg

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Making the Connection from the Inside Out 
Guest: Sheldon Ginsberg, Founder, Institute of Energy-Based Health

What makes you happy? How do you come down, find peace, and land at inner joy, all while living a crazy, busy life? This hour lays the foundation to return to the core inside your spirit… Click for more

Just Like a Woman –Dianne Hales

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How Gender Science is Defining What Makes Us Female
Guest: Dianne Hales, Author

This remarkable study proves that men are from Mars and women are from Venus once and for all. How can it help you to navigate your personal life? This fundamental insight offers valuable wisdom for the next time your partner does something that has you shaking your head in amazement and wonder… Click for more

Change Your Beliefs to Change Your Results –Sylvia Nibley

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Sylvia Nibley, creator of Root Change
and Inquiry Cards

With so much uncertainty brewing on this planet, it’s no wonder many of us are asking, “What’s next?” Let go of the office space, work from home, start a new journey? Change and transformation can cause stress… Click for more

If Caterpillars Can Fly, So Can I –Alvin Day

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Master the 7 Universal Laws to Achieve and Prosper
Guest: Alvin Day, Success Coach and Bestselling Author

Have you ever been to an event where the speaker captivated your spirit at the core and left you breathless by their light? Alvin Day is one of those rare beings who delivers a message that strikes deep into your soul by asking… Click for more

Reduce Stress in 50 Seconds or Less –Robin Silverman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Feathers: 50 Things to Lighten Up and Set Yourself Free
Guest: Author Robin Silverman, CEO Fullistic, LLC

In her bestselling book, Silverman provides 50 simple actions to release negative emotion and restore energy flow. Based on the art of Fullistic® consciousness, she applies life-enhancing energy sciences—quantum physics… Click for more

Byron Katie: A Mind at Home with Itself

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Living the Revolutionary Process Called “The Work”
Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of “Loving What Is”

 In difficult times anxiety rises, questions surpass answers, and the seeds of fear, anger, and depression are watered by thoughts in the mind. Beloved spiritual teacher and bestselling author Byron Katie partners with distinguished scholar Stephen Mitchell to shed light on the profound text of&nbsp… Click for more

The Resiliency Advantage –Al Siebert, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Master change, thrive under pressure, and bounce back from setbacks
Guest: Bestselling Author Al Siebert, Ph.D.

Resiliency is such an exquisite word for our time. In the presence of global disruption, and with the twists and turns of everyday life, being resilient is essential to thriving… Click for more

Byron Katie: Moving to the Next Level of Life

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of Loving What Is

How do you describe light when it is so bright that it shines throughout the world? Do you speak of its impact, its reflection, or the glow as it pours its radiance upon those it touches?

Byron Katie is hard to describe… Click for more

Every Word Has Power –Yvonne Oswald, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Switch on your language and turn on your life
Guest: Bestselling Author Yvonne Oswald, Ph.D.
Master Trainer, NLP and Hypnosis

From Gandhi to the Bible, we have understood that there is power in our words. But what is that power? How can you harness it to shift old patterns that have been holding you back… Click for more

The Power of Questions with Sylvia Nibley

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Personal Development, Psychology, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Answers are Inside You
Guest: Sylvia Nibley

Sylvia Nibley is an award-winning transformational leader and healer who has helped thousands of people wake up to the truth of who they are. With a playful smile and musical laugh, she takes on the toughest challenges to create profound openings for life-changing breakthroughs… Click for more

Toggle It! –Laurie Heusinger, LMT, NTS

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Rebooting Your Emotional System with Cognitive Polar Transformation
Guest/Author: Laurie Heusinger, LMT, NTS
Founder, Alpha Omega Therapeutics and Nova Dawn Technologies

What is CPT, and what can it do for you? How about a reboot with a fresh start and a new outlook for your future… Click for more

Brian Tracy: The Way to Wealth

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Success Strategies of the Wealthy Entrepreneur
Guest: Brian Tracy, Author and Powerful Wealth Guru

If you’re already an entrepreneur or business leader, no doubt you’re familiar with world-renowned wealth trainer and bestselling author Brian Tracy. If not—and you’re still wondering how to get your financial plan on track—listen in to learn the proven strategies that can change your money outlook and turn your actions into income… Click for more

Nicholas Harmon: Knock Out Those Winter Blues!

In Audio, Brands for Good, Healing, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Don’t Let the Dark Days Get You Down
Guest: Nicholas Harmon, President and Chief Happiness Officer 
at Verilux®, The Healthy Lighting Company® 

If the shorter days of winter are getting you down and life isn’t all that bright, maybe it’s time for the positive benefits of “light therapy.” Sunlight plays an essential role in a healthy lifestyle by regulating our sleep/wake patterns… Click for more

Robert Bosnak: Invite the Creative Genius Into Your Life

In Audio, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Robert Bosnak, PsyA 

Jungian psychoanalyst Robert Bosnak has a way of delivering a message that bridges two worlds without space. In his upcoming webinar series, you will increase your capacity to access genius, break patterns that have held you back for this lifetime, and discover a new potential as you open the veil into your dreams… Click for more

Ancient Science Breaks New Ground in Recovery

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Leslye Moore, National Director PWHT
Guest: Colonel Joel Aoki, Aviation Officer, US Army
Guest: Cyndie Gibson, Ret. Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Director, U.S. Air Force

There is inspired hope for returning veterans struggling with the traumas of war. Project Welcome Home Troops is addressing the urgent need to support those who have served… Click for more

Murray Smith: The Answer, Part II

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Author Murray Smith 

Make a right turn onto the road to success with bestselling author, business-growth expert, and co-writer of “The Answer,” Murray Smith. This interview with this incredible writer offers a revolutionary experience for how to thrive financially and personally. Learn how to create predictable transformation in order to live a fulfilling and amazing life… Click for more

Are Old Habits Costing You?– Changing with Hypnosis

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Guest: Teri Southworth – Internationally Certified Hypnotherapist

From light therapy to remote viewing, this hour takes you on a journey through the mind and the expansion of consciousness. If you are ready for transformation…these tools are invaluable!

Attend this special – Two Day Seminar – September 13th &amp… Click for more

Tapping the Unconscious…The Tarot

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Author: Robert M. Place – The Alchemical Tarot & The Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery

Robert Place was a delightful surprise of humor, energy and unbelievable insight into life…and how we can use the Tarot as a tool for personal transformation. One hour could only begin to introduce his knowledge and wisdom… Click for more

Mr. George Zalucki: Principles of Human Achievement

In Audio, Community, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Psychology, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Leader of Champions: Mr. George Zalucki

Author/Personal Speaker/Global Change Maker

There are not enough words in the English language to describe the authenticity of this extraordinary leader and humanitarian. His heart centered approach to personal transformation has impacted the lives of millions of people around the world… Click for more