Spiritual Anatomy –Ginny Nadler

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Realigning Body and Soul
Guest: Ginny Nadler

The work of Ginny Nadler is the path to reconnecting to your soul. Her gift of aligning the body’s sacred geometry offers a new dimension for living a life filled with love, joy, and peace in the human experience… Click for more

Outsmarting Anger –Joseph Shrand, MD

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy by Danielle Lin, C.N.2 Comments

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7 Strategies for Defusing Our Most Dangerous Emotions
Guest: Joseph Shrand, M.D.
Instructor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Watching the tragic moments unfold before our eyes, we understand the incredible importance of this timely conversation. In Outsmarting Anger, Dr. Shrand brilliantly addresses navigating sensitive conversations when emotions and perspectives are off balance… Click for more

Principles of Human Achievement, Part 1 –George Zalucki

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: George Zalucki
Bestselling Author of Leader of Champions 

There are not enough words in the English language to describe the authenticity of this extraordinary leader and humanitarian. His heart-centered approach to personal  transformation, leadership, and success has impacted millions of souls globally… Click for more

David Deida: Blue Truth—A Spiritual Guide to Life, Death, Love and Sex

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author, David Deida

David Deida drenches you with his passion and never fails to leave you yearning for more of his brilliance and raw wisdom. He cleverly throws stones upon the path to help you find the way to your infinite self and inner magnificence… Click for more

Everyday Enlightenment –Dan Millman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth
Guest: Dan Millman
Bestselling Author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Wouldn’t it be great to have a road map for life? Bestselling author Dan Millman brings enlightenment down to earth. Shift confusion to clarity and discover how to balance your mind… Click for more

What You Think About, You Bring About – Blaine Oelkers

In Audio, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How to Change Ineffective Habits in 21 Seconds 
Guest: Blaine Oelkers, Mastering RAS with Brain Science and More 
Unlocking The Screen of Your Mind: WYTAYBA 

Mastering the art of transformation does not come without trial and error, says Chief Results Officer Blaine Oelkers. Imagining that you could break a lifetime of patterns in a few seconds may sound too good to be true… Click for more

Gregg Braden: Human by Design

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Evolution by Chance, Evolution by Choice
Guest: Bestselling Author Gregg Braden

Gregg Braden’s passion for unraveling the science of higher consciousness continues peeling away the layers that leave us craving to dive deeper into the inner journey. In this extraordinary moment of global transformation… Click for more

Permaculture: For the Future of Our Earth, Part II –John Jeavons

In Audio, Gardening, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Real Food, Science of Living, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Growing to Sustain Life
Guest: John Jeavons, The Grow Biointensive Project

Whether you live in the city or plan to move off the grid, it’s important to consider where your food comes from. With the excessive use of pesticides, genetically modified organisms, and exposure to environmental pollution… Click for more

Protect Your Memory and De-Stress a Busy Mind –Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Finding Calm and Deep Peace
Guest: Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Alzheimer’s, Memory, and Anti-aging

From protecting your memory to staying cool under high-tension moments, world-renowned physician and yogi Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa teaches ancient wisdom for modern times. With packed days filled with too much technology—and never enough time—this is a moment to de-stress fill your spirit… Click for more

Earthjustice –Tom Turner

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Featured Authors, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Path to Making a Difference
Guest: Author and Historian Tom Turner

From acknowledging raging fires constricting the breath of Mother Earth to melting ice caps changing the landscape, Turner has spent his life diving deep into conversations of global significance. As we address planetary issues of today and challenges for tomorrow… Click for more

Jack Canfield: The Success Principles

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be
Guest: Jack Canfield, bestselling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul®

The timeless principles and concise practices offer anyone a proven track record to follow. Canfield delivers a system with a go-to-plan… Click for more

HeartMath® Intelligence: Breaking the Code –Howard Martin

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Favorite Shows, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart
Guest: Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, HeartMath, Inc.

In 1991, when the HeartMath Institute had its humble beginnings, its early research began to shatter belief systems and break paradigms for understanding our relationship to the human body… Click for more

Changing the Landscape About Alzheimer’s –Dobri Kiprov, M.D.

In Audio, Futurism, Healing, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Research Offers a Life-Altering Breakthrough
Guest: Dobri Kiprov, MD, Immunologist 
President and Medical Director of Global Apheresis 

Alzheimer’s disease is a devastating disorder affecting more than six million people. By 2050, it is projected to impact thirteen million in the U.S alone. The deadly condition is stealing lives and breaking the hearts of families around the globe… Click for more

The Fearless Factor @Work –Jacqueline Wales

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Claiming Life
Guest: Jacqueline Wales, Bestselling Author and Leadership Coach, High Achieving Women

In the darkest times, it is incredible how one’s light can shine brighter than ever. That is undoubtedly the case with this radiant, gifted, and spirited soul you will come to know in this hour… Click for more

Ancient Technologies Unlock Psychic Abilities –Dean Radin, Ph.D.

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Fitness, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Science, Yoga and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities
Guest: Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences
Author of bestseller Supernormal

People from all walks of life and stature have been practicing yoga and meditation for over 5,000 years… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old 
Guest: Deepak Chopra           

What can one say about a global giant like Deepak Chopra? Visionary leader, difference-maker, inspiration, conscious-contributor? Though this is one of my first interviews with Dr. Chopra, it certainly was not the last. Each time we shared the airwaves… Click for more

The Generosity Plan –Kathy LeMay

In Audio, Community, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Making Philanthropy Part of Your Life 
Guest: Kathy LeMay, Author

We all desire to help and contribute, but often need help understanding where to start and how to begin. The power of giving can be life-changing in both directions, creating unexpected benefits for the giver and the receiver… Click for more

Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.: Dance of the Four Winds

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Secrets of the Inca Medicine Wheel
Guest/Author Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
Medical Anthropologist, Psychologist, and Shaman

From expeditions to bestselling books, Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., has devoted his life to studying the teachings of the Amazon and Andean shamans. His journey has led to unlocking the profound secrets of the human psyche… Click for more

HeartMath®: Journey to the Heart Through Science – Deborah Rozman, PhD

In Audio, Brands for Good, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Global Research Expands Heart Power
Guest: Deborah Rozman, PhD, CEO of HeartMath® Inc
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence technologies

Poets, sages, and philosophers have spoken of the heart for thousands of years, yet it is a science that is now helping us see the real impact of the heart’s innate wisdom for increasing harmony and balance in everyday life… Click for more

Bestselling Author in Your Future? –Natalie Goldberg

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Cracking the Code to Masterful Writing
Guest: Bestselling Author Natalie Goldberg

Undoubtedly, Natalie Goldberg is one of the most sought-after mentors and influential writers of our time. Her books are humorous and insightful as they dig deep into your psyche and soul. I have laughed out loud… Click for more

The HeartMath Experience –Howard Martin

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Connect with the Heart of Who You Truly Are 
Guest: Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, HeartMath Institute

What would it be worth to feel more secure, less stressed, and wake up loving life? The HeartMath Experience offers practical techniques that help you rise above everyday challenges… Click for more

Stephen R. Covey, Ph.D.: The Eighth Habit — From Effectiveness to Greatness

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author Stephen R. Covey

Renowned leader and bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People said the “Information Age, exemplified by the Internet, calls for the 8th habit to reach excellence in your personal and professional life.” Leadership styles continue to evolve… Click for more

The Mystery of Aenesthesia and Where Does Consciousness Exist –Michael Harrison

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Michael Harrison
Founder/Publisher Talkers Magazine 

This hour spirals up with a multi-faceted conversation—From living in the current climate, to the impact of medical interventions on the brain, mind, and consciousness. We travel though perspective, while pursuing common sense, probing topics that challenge belief systems while reminding us to pay attention to the words we speak and thoughts we think… Click for more

Expanding Consciousness with Ancient Mysticism –June-Elleni Laine

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: June-Elleni Laine, Bestselling Author and Gifted Teacher

June-Elleni Laine is an international influencer as a published author, creative educator, and one of the genuinely spirit-inspired artists and tutors. Her love of life and passion for awakening the human spirit is contagious and irresistible! She has cultivated her gifts in a way that transforms lives through the grace of Divine Art as she opens hearts to the core of conscious awareness… Click for more

Dan Millman: Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Author Dan Millman

The bestselling author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior shares his journey of the heart and his path to awakening. Distilling the teachings of his sage-mentor Socrates, Millman sheds new light on ancient wisdom, with practical insight for how to live a truly extraordinary life… Click for more

Baptist De Pape: The Power of the Heart

In Audio, Entertainment, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Author/Film Producer: Baptist De Pape

Whether you ask Jane Goodall, Eckhart Tolle, or Deepak Chopra how to live a “heart centered” journey, you will find that every “body” has their own experience to share—just like the human heart. Baptist De Pape takes you into the hearts of some of the most profound spiritual guides of our times in The Power of the Heart,&nbsp… Click for more

Ghost Hunters in the Dark –Dr. Dave Oester

In Audio, Featured Authors, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Ghostly Tales from the Archives
Guest: Dr. Dave Oester, Considered the father of the Online Paranormal Community and the Orb theory-Living Voices

Can the dead come back? Are ghosts only imagined? With All Hallow’s Eve upon us, we decided to stretch the boundaries of our usual perceptions. This subject questions our reality and has too much documentation to leave behind closed doors… Click for more

Stones of Light Education Foundation –Scott and Kim Hosking, Julio Salazar

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guests: Scott and Kim Hosking, Founders of Stones of Light Education Foundation
Julio Salazar, Fundación Rose Alliance

On the journey of personal contribution and self-awareness, we find the human experience. On the road to Guatemala, we discover quiet heroes guided by spirit to participate in global transformation… Click for more

Billionaire Secrets of Success –Bill Bartman

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author Bill Bartman 

Hear a “rags to riches” story that could change the outcome of your own life, once and for all. If you’ve wanted to become financially free and still can’t seem to catch the golden ring, what would it be worth to have time with a master who cracked the code on wealth… Click for more

Green Power: The Ultimate Alkalizer & Detoxifier –Ron Seibold

In Audio, Brands for Good, Gardening, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Real Food, Recipes, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How Pines Wheat Grass Started the Green Revolution
Guest: Ron Seibold, CEO & Co-founder of Pines International

It’s not often that you get to know the pioneers and visionaries behind a global movement. And rarely will you get a glimpse into the soil that grows a story that changes the world’s perception of how we can live a better-quality life… Click for more

Unpacking LinkedIn for Success and Impact –Janice Porter

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Leaders, Money, Pioneering conversations, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Insider Secrets for Building Relationships that Last
Guest: Janice Porter, Master Trainer and Educator for LinkedIn,
Janice Porter & Associates

If you are serious about your business, you are likely on LinkedIn. There are 65 million decision-makers who may not spend all day surfing and posting… Click for more

Transform Your Emotional DNA – Theresa Dale, Ph.D.

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Guest: Theresa Dale, Ph.D., C.C.N., N.P.
Dean and Founder of California College of Natural Medicine

This podcast was recorded in 2013. I chose to run it again to show how Dr. Dale’s pioneering research has changed the way we think and approach the mind-body.

One of the early researchers in mind-body healing… Click for more

Byron Katie: A Mind at Home with Itself

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Living the Revolutionary Process Called “The Work”
Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of “Loving What Is”

 In difficult times anxiety rises, questions surpass answers, and the seeds of fear, anger, and depression are watered by thoughts in the mind. Beloved spiritual teacher and bestselling author Byron Katie partners with distinguished scholar Stephen Mitchell to shed light on the profound text of&nbsp… Click for more

The Resiliency Advantage –Al Siebert, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Master change, thrive under pressure, and bounce back from setbacks
Guest: Bestselling Author Al Siebert, Ph.D.

Resiliency is such an exquisite word for our time. In the presence of global disruption, and with the twists and turns of everyday life, being resilient is essential to thriving… Click for more

The Amazing Life of Hemp –Chris Boucher

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Environment, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Chris Boucher, CEO Farmtiva Inc., Farmtiva California Hemp CBD Farms

Flashing back a few years, we can gain perspective as to how far this precious plant has come since the first airing of this interview.

The single most important crop in American history got lost along the way… Click for more

Into the Heart –Buzz Knight

In Audio, Beauty, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Conversation with Spirit and Soul 
Guest: Buzz Knight, of Buzz Knight Media
Host and Founder of Takin’ A Walk Podcast 

How do we measure a conversation between two human beings who are simply walking and talking about life? Is the value in the sound of nature as footsteps crunch the fall leaves… Click for more

The Return to Naturopathy Brings Body Balance –Michael Schwartz, ND

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Applying Natural Practices to Health and Wellness
Guest: Michael Schwartz, Naturopathic Doctor, Founder of Michael’s Naturopathic Programs

Tracking back in history, we find that natural healing practices were some of the most effective tools for what commonly ails us. Antibiotics, vaccines, and allopathic medicine play a key role in addressing acute diseases… Click for more

Byron Katie: Moving to the Next Level of Life

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of Loving What Is

How do you describe light when it is so bright that it shines throughout the world? Do you speak of its impact, its reflection, or the glow as it pours its radiance upon those it touches?

Byron Katie is hard to describe… Click for more

Every Word Has Power –Yvonne Oswald, Ph.D.

In Audio, Featured Authors, Money, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Switch on your language and turn on your life
Guest: Bestselling Author Yvonne Oswald, Ph.D.
Master Trainer, NLP and Hypnosis

From Gandhi to the Bible, we have understood that there is power in our words. But what is that power? How can you harness it to shift old patterns that have been holding you back… Click for more

The Earth Keeper Alliance – Adam Hall

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Futurism, Money, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Undeveloping the Future
Guest/Author: Adam Hall

As I read page after page of Adam C. Hall’s offering, I found myself holding my breath…with life breathing through me. The exquisite account of a human being fully expressing himself is the ultimate experience of the soul… Click for more

Alexander Avila, Ph.D.: LoveTypes®

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Discover Your Romantic Style and Find Your Soul Mate
Guest: Alexander Avila, Ph.D.

Are you tired of the state of your love life, and wondering how to make a good relationship great? Dr. Alexander Avila is a bestselling author and creator of the revolutionary LoveTypes® system… Click for more

Jack Canfield: One Day to Greatness

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Moment That Could Change Your Life Forever!
Bestselling Author Jack Canfield
Author of The Success Principles and Chicken Soup for the Soul

Can one day really change your life? Aspiring to greatness may have a different meaning for each of us—but with Jack Canfield… Click for more

Brie Malarkey: Hemp Pioneer Breaks New Ground

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Environment, Gardening, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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When Life Creates its Own Story
Guest: Brie Malarkey, Founder/CEO of Sun God Medicinals

There is much at stake for everyone as hemp, CBD and healthier products from natural sources begin to flood the market. This is not a story about smoking cannabis; it’s about choice… Click for more

Jon Kraft: The Act of Relentless Optimism

In Audio, Brands for Good, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Visionary Journey
Guest: Jon Kraft, Co-founder of Pandora Media

The igniting force, the absolute will to make a difference, is the extraordinary drive behind entrepreneur and visionary, Jon Kraft. From the game-changer Pandora to the rebuilding of Los Angeles, nothing seems too large when it comes to contributing energy for our planet and its people… Click for more

Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.: The Four Agreements – A Toltec Wisdom Book

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Guest: don Miguel Ruiz, Jr, author of The Mastery of Self

Toltec master of transformation and modern-day shaman, don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., opens the pathway to the sacred marriage of the inner and outer journey. Carrying the Eagle Knight lineage… Click for more

Rick Stack & Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu: The Secret to Healing Cancer

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Global Transformation by Satellite, Broadcast from the City of Taipei
Guests: Rick Stack (Publisher/Editor) & Dr. Tien-Sheng Hsu (Author)

The profound insight and thoughtful wisdom delivered by these two masters in the fields of healing and consciousness is a rare moment in broadcast history. The translation from Mandarin by JoJo is like the sound of song birds at the height of a love affair… Click for more

Robert Bosnak: Invite the Creative Genius Into Your Life

In Audio, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Robert Bosnak, PsyA 

Jungian psychoanalyst Robert Bosnak has a way of delivering a message that bridges two worlds without space. In his upcoming webinar series, you will increase your capacity to access genius, break patterns that have held you back for this lifetime, and discover a new potential as you open the veil into your dreams… Click for more

Andrew Harvey: Sacred Marriage Through Sacred Activism

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Andrew Harvey, Mystical Scholar, Novelist, Internationally-Acclaimed Poet

Few masters dive so deeply into the mysteries of life…and still remain present to walk among the realities of everyday living. One of the great minds of our time, Harvey inspires our divine purpose to be called to action—while gracefully offering a compassionate blueprint to help transform our hearts and our world… Click for more

Senator Orrin Hatch: Freedom Fighters for DSHEA – 20 Years Later

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest – Senator Orrin Hatch – Utah

Think about this…If it were not for the passing in 1994 of The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, your rights to purchase nutritional supplements could have ended right there. The power of the FDA was running rampant. The question is…Are our rights vulnerable today… Click for more

Loren Israelsen: DSHEA…The night it passed through Congress

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Loren Israelsen – President UNPA (United Natural Products Alliance)

This conversation was just after the interview with Senator Orrin Hatch. We loved it so much that we added it as our special feature of the week. Check in for his upcoming interview to enlighten us further on the future of the Natural Products Industry… Click for more

Sally James: Put Some Heart in Your Cooking

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Real Food, Recipes, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Author/Chef Sally James

You are going to love our time with world-renowned chef Ms. Sally James. One of the best defenses against heart disease is to fill your plate with incredible healthy specialties. – over 100 fabulous heart-healthy recipes are at your finger tips with this beautiful award-winning author and master from Australia… Click for more

Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D.: Are Food Shortages a Potential Reality? Part 1 of 2

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Gardening, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Real Food, Science of Living, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Smarter Gardens Anywhere You Live
Guest: Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D.

Looking towards a sustainable future. This two-part series offers you freedom from pesticides, GMO’s and who knows what else in your food. Founded under the philosophy of working with nature instead of against it, Permaculture engages us to recycle… Click for more