Spiritual Anatomy –Ginny Nadler

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Realigning Body and Soul
Guest: Ginny Nadler

The work of Ginny Nadler is the path to reconnecting to your soul. Her gift of aligning the body’s sacred geometry offers a new dimension for living a life filled with love, joy, and peace in the human experience… Click for more

Principles of Human Achievement, Part 2 –George Zalucki

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: George Zalucki
Entrepreneur and Wisdom Coach

If you are burning inside to reach your full potential but can’t see the path, you have found the ticket to The Golden Trail. Bestselling author and global leadership coach George Zalucki offers the light to navigate your journey with a clear vision and the steps to follow.… Click for more

Dream Guidance –Machiel Klerk, MS

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Connecting to the Soul Through Dream Incubation 
Machiel Klerk, M.S. in Depth Psychology, Author, Founder of Jung Platform 

For thousands of years, in every culture, dream incubation has been sought after and revered to help find answers for solving many of the most complex and fundamental questions of life… Click for more

Principles of Human Achievement, Part 1 –George Zalucki

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: George Zalucki
Bestselling Author of Leader of Champions 

There are not enough words in the English language to describe the authenticity of this extraordinary leader and humanitarian. His heart-centered approach to personal  transformation, leadership, and success has impacted millions of souls globally… Click for more

David Deida: Blue Truth—A Spiritual Guide to Life, Death, Love and Sex

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Bestselling Author, David Deida

David Deida drenches you with his passion and never fails to leave you yearning for more of his brilliance and raw wisdom. He cleverly throws stones upon the path to help you find the way to your infinite self and inner magnificence… Click for more

Global Benefit of Inner Peace –Dr. Robert Pope

In Audio, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Shifting Consciousness to Create Greater Change
Guest: Dr. Robert Pope
Founder/Director of Transperative Coaching

With so much upheaval in the world today, it is no wonder we are all seeking higher ground. Calling upon conscious tools for inner peace can be beneficial to address global human conditions… Click for more

Everyday Enlightenment –Dan Millman

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth
Guest: Dan Millman
Bestselling Author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior

Wouldn’t it be great to have a road map for life? Bestselling author Dan Millman brings enlightenment down to earth. Shift confusion to clarity and discover how to balance your mind… Click for more

The White Light: A Limitless Reality –Rev. Dr. Helena Steiner-Horsteyn

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: The Rev. Dr. Helena Steiner-Horsteyn
Founder of EnergyWorks International

Have you ever craved to understand more about life, seeking knowledge that was out there, but the answers have not yet been revealed? Like there was a space in your heart pulling you somewhere, but the unknown was too frightening to find out where it might lead you… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: Power of Freedom and Grace

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Living from the Source of Lasting Happiness 
Guest/Author: Deepak Chopra, M.D.

The flow of life breathes through us effortlessly…yet we doubt we are truly capable of happiness without exertion. Lacing ancient philosophy with modern science, Chopra opens the door to reveal where inner joy arises… Click for more

Change Your Aura, Change Your Life –Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Unfolding Your Spiritual Power
Guests: Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

Just because you can’t read auras doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Think about when somebody lights up a room by walking in the door. You feel the impact immediately. These days, If you are using technology to connect with friends and family… Click for more

The Lost Waves of Time –Jill Mattson

In Audio, Beauty, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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How Music Shaped Our World
Guest: Author/Composer Jill Mattson

This hour helps us to understand how the powers of Sound Energy and Healing Frequencies can create remarkable results for spiritual, mental, and physical growth. Mattson is one of the most prolific authors and composers of our time… Click for more

Protect Your Memory and De-Stress a Busy Mind –Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Finding Calm and Deep Peace
Guest: Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Alzheimer’s, Memory, and Anti-aging

From protecting your memory to staying cool under high-tension moments, world-renowned physician and yogi Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa teaches ancient wisdom for modern times. With packed days filled with too much technology—and never enough time—this is a moment to de-stress fill your spirit… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: A Gift of Love – The Wisdom of Rumi

In Audio, Entertainment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Wisdom of Rumi 
Guest: Deepak Chopra and Friends

Discover the beauty of art and the power of love with The Essential Rumi and Rumi: The Book of Love by Coleman Barks. These books are a tribute to one of the greatest sages in history and a treasure that can cleanse the mind and soothe the soul… Click for more

Essentials of Kundalini Yoga –Karena Virginia and Dharm Khalsa

In Audio, Fitness, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Sustainable Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Radiant Health, Unconditional Love, and Awakening of Energetic Potential
Guests: Karena Virginia and Dharm Khalsa

Are you overwhelmed by technology, disconnected from your inner self, and struggling to find solid ground? If so, Kundalini yoga, a 5000-year-old practice, can help you reconnect with your soul and restore balance to your life… Click for more

Caroline Myss, PhD: Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Your Biography Becomes Your Biology
Guest: Caroline Myss, PhD
Medical intuitive, renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality, energy medicine, and science of intuition

Medical intuitive and New York Times bestselling author Caroline Myss broke the code surrounding belief systems to uncover the true nature of what heals us… Click for more

Shamanic Journey with the Medicine Woman –Marcela Lobos

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Marcela Lobos, Senior Teacher, Four Winds Society

In times of great transition for our planet, we journey to the sacred keepers of knowledge. Medicine woman and teacher Marcela Lobos shares the inner wisdom to heal, restore, and align with Mother Earth. Like any initiation, there is a path to follow for balance and harmony… Click for more

Prepare Yourself to Be Blessed –Pastor Kevin Boyd

In Audio, Community, Featured Leaders, Health & Wellness, Spirituality, Sustainable Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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How to Enter Abundant Living
Guest: Pastor Kevin Boyd

Pastor Boyd and I recorded this conversation a few years ago. When I found it in our library this week, it was worth hearing his message again. Undoubtedly, these times have left many of us with more questions than answers… Click for more

Why We Believe What We Believe –Andrew Newberg, MD

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Uncovering Our Biological Need for Meaning, Spirituality, and Truth
Guest: Neuroscientist Andrew B. Newberg, M.D.

Why do you believe what you hold to be your most profound truth? Whether it is God—or no God—conspiracy theories or miracles, we each hold dearly our perceptions about how we experience life… Click for more

The Secret of the Shadow –Debbie Ford

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Power of Owning Your Own Story
Guest: Debbie Ford, bestselling author

Though Debbie left all too soon, she gifted us with the insight and deep understanding of how to find inner joy and personal connection. She helped shine a light on the shadow side of our being and showed us how to move beyond fear and negative self-talk… Click for more

The Fearless Factor @Work –Jacqueline Wales

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Claiming Life
Guest: Jacqueline Wales, Bestselling Author and Leadership Coach, High Achieving Women

In the darkest times, it is incredible how one’s light can shine brighter than ever. That is undoubtedly the case with this radiant, gifted, and spirited soul you will come to know in this hour… Click for more

Deeper Than Words –Tony Samara

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest/Author: Tony Samara

There is no question we are encouraged to shift and change our perspectives and lives at this time in history. Tony answers pertinent questions about moving to a new state of awareness. By meditation, clearing toxins from the body, and maintaining a balanced diet… Click for more

Ancient Technologies Unlock Psychic Abilities –Dean Radin, Ph.D.

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Fitness, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Science, Yoga and the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities
Guest: Dean Radin, Ph.D.
Director of Research, Institute of Noetic Sciences
Author of bestseller Supernormal

People from all walks of life and stature have been practicing yoga and meditation for over 5,000 years… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Quantum Alternative to Growing Old 
Guest: Deepak Chopra           

What can one say about a global giant like Deepak Chopra? Visionary leader, difference-maker, inspiration, conscious-contributor? Though this is one of my first interviews with Dr. Chopra, it certainly was not the last. Each time we shared the airwaves… Click for more

The Four Agreements with don Miguel Ruiz

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Psychology, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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A Practical Path to Deep Joy and Happiness
Guest: don Miguel Ruiz, Bestselling Author

The simple yet profound wisdom offered by don Miguel Ruiz can activate spiritual transcendence. Gifting us with the four beneficial agreements in this small, but powerful, book, one understands the necessity of this knowledge for our current times and future… Click for more

Sheila Gillette / THEO: The Voice of Angels, the Power of Channeling (Pt. 1)

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Tools for Ultimate Expansion
Guest: Sheila Gillette, Channel for Theo, Bestselling Author

If you have been questioning life, or asking for some divine intervention to help you on a deep spiritual level, set your dial to this frequency and tune in. Living to your highest potential can sometimes feel like a muddy road… Click for more

Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.: Dance of the Four Winds

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Secrets of the Inca Medicine Wheel
Guest/Author Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
Medical Anthropologist, Psychologist, and Shaman

From expeditions to bestselling books, Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D., has devoted his life to studying the teachings of the Amazon and Andean shamans. His journey has led to unlocking the profound secrets of the human psyche… Click for more

HeartMath®: Journey to the Heart Through Science – Deborah Rozman, PhD

In Audio, Brands for Good, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Global Research Expands Heart Power
Guest: Deborah Rozman, PhD, CEO of HeartMath® Inc
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Coherence technologies

Poets, sages, and philosophers have spoken of the heart for thousands of years, yet it is a science that is now helping us see the real impact of the heart’s innate wisdom for increasing harmony and balance in everyday life… Click for more

Journey Into Now –Leonard Jacobson

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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The Power of Consciousness and Living in the Present Moment
Guest: Bestselling Author Leonard Jacobson, Spiritual Guide

Deeply committed to helping others experience the joy of living in the NOW, Leonard Jacobson delivers his eloquent perspective in this engaging and graceful hour. He is the founder of The Conscious Living Foundation… Click for more

Art of Chinese Medicine and Cultivating Feng Shui –Valerie Litchfield

In Audio, Feng Shui, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Science of Living, Spirituality, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Designing your health and life
Guest: Valerie Litchfield, LMT
Body and Soul Massage, Salt Lake City, Utah

Creating your outer experience from inner awareness may be new to your understanding. However, for over 5000 years in India, China, and Japan, life was and still is a practice and combination of working with nature… Click for more

God’s Dictionary –Rev. Dr. Susan Corso

In Audio, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Divine Definitions for Everyday Enlightenment
Guest: Rev. Dr. Susan Corso, bestselling author

Words have vital power, yet interpretations over time have changed the original intentions for many. By connecting words to their earlier roots, Rev. Corso helps us discover the profound and deeper meanings that influence our life’s path… Click for more

Crafting Calm –Maggie Oman Shannon, M.A.

In Art, Audio, Community, Healthy Home, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Projects and Practices for Creativity and Contemplation
Guest: Rev. Maggie Oman Shannon, M.A.

Creating simplicity in this complicated life can be difficult yet millions worldwide seek and are finding balance through heart-soothing crafts. Technology did not simplify our journey, it increased the speed of functionality… Click for more

Gregg Braden: Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Hidden Power Within 
Guest: Bestselling Author Gregg Braden

All around the world, for thousands of years, human beings have prayed. Whether you call unexplainable results divine intervention, miracles, or coincidence, we know—even through science—that spoken and unspoken words have quantifiable power. Can prayer create a different outcome in one’s life… Click for more

Expanding Consciousness with Ancient Mysticism –June-Elleni Laine

In Audio, Featured Authors, Futurism, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: June-Elleni Laine, Bestselling Author and Gifted Teacher

June-Elleni Laine is an international influencer as a published author, creative educator, and one of the genuinely spirit-inspired artists and tutors. Her love of life and passion for awakening the human spirit is contagious and irresistible! She has cultivated her gifts in a way that transforms lives through the grace of Divine Art as she opens hearts to the core of conscious awareness… Click for more

Commanding Miracles is Easier Than You Think! – Kerri Kannan

In Audio, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Kerri Kannan
Founder of Divine Within 

Have you ever had those days when you wished for a miracle but came up short? You have tried the Law of Attraction, tapping, hypnosis, and prayer, yet you still wonder why your dreams fade away.

After more than 25 years of research and experience… Click for more

Dan Millman: Wisdom of the Peaceful Warrior

In Audio, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Author Dan Millman

The bestselling author of The Way of the Peaceful Warrior shares his journey of the heart and his path to awakening. Distilling the teachings of his sage-mentor Socrates, Millman sheds new light on ancient wisdom, with practical insight for how to live a truly extraordinary life… Click for more

Byron Katie: Loving What Is…

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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…While Finding Your Way
Guest: Byron Katie, bestselling author

How do you describe light when it is so bright that it shines throughout the world? Do you speak of its impact, its reflection, or the glow as it pours its radiance upon those it touches? Byron Katie is hard to describe… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: How to Know God

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Soul’s Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries
Guest: Bestselling Author Deepak Chopra

Our search for God and making sense of life has driven us to violence, scaling mountains for connection, and sitting silently in the pursuit of enlightenment. Ask three people to explain God… Click for more

Baptist De Pape: The Power of the Heart

In Audio, Entertainment, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Author/Film Producer: Baptist De Pape

Whether you ask Jane Goodall, Eckhart Tolle, or Deepak Chopra how to live a “heart centered” journey, you will find that every “body” has their own experience to share—just like the human heart. Baptist De Pape takes you into the hearts of some of the most profound spiritual guides of our times in The Power of the Heart,&nbsp… Click for more

Ghost Hunters in the Dark –Dr. Dave Oester

In Audio, Featured Authors, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Ghostly Tales from the Archives
Guest: Dr. Dave Oester, Considered the father of the Online Paranormal Community and the Orb theory-Living Voices

Can the dead come back? Are ghosts only imagined? With All Hallow’s Eve upon us, we decided to stretch the boundaries of our usual perceptions. This subject questions our reality and has too much documentation to leave behind closed doors… Click for more

What the Bleep Do We Know? Part I –Mark Vicente and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

In Audio, Entertainment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Movie That Unlocks Human Potential
Guests: Mark Vicente and Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.

What if your life could happen on purpose? Where your thoughts, dreams and desires manifest before your eyes. Wishes become your new reality, instead of fading away… Click for more

The Art of Being Psychic –June-Elleni Laine

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Developing the Skills to Accelerate Your Life 
Guest/Author: June-Elleni Laine
Author, Spirit Artist, Gifted Intuitive Guide

“Wisdom sits on the edge of consciousness” 

Creative, intuitive, and practical is a rare combination on the journey to self-discovery and inspired living… Click for more

Byron Katie: A Mind at Home with Itself

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Psychology, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Living the Revolutionary Process Called “The Work”
Guest: Byron Katie, Bestselling Author of “Loving What Is”

 In difficult times anxiety rises, questions surpass answers, and the seeds of fear, anger, and depression are watered by thoughts in the mind. Beloved spiritual teacher and bestselling author Byron Katie partners with distinguished scholar Stephen Mitchell to shed light on the profound text of&nbsp… Click for more

Into the Heart –Buzz Knight

In Audio, Beauty, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Conversation with Spirit and Soul 
Guest: Buzz Knight, of Buzz Knight Media
Host and Founder of Takin’ A Walk Podcast 

How do we measure a conversation between two human beings who are simply walking and talking about life? Is the value in the sound of nature as footsteps crunch the fall leaves… Click for more

A Shaman’s Journey with Energy Medicine –Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.

In Audio, Environment, Featured Authors, Healing, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
Psychologist and Medical Anthropologist
Founder, Four Winds Society

As we search the globe for answers to complex questions on life, living, healing and peace, we find nature has always had the answers. From deep jungles to the high Himalayas, Alberto Villoldo opens doors of insight for the new world and a new way for enlightenment… Click for more

Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wisdom of the Ages

In Audio, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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60 Days to Enlightenment
Guest: Bestselling Author Wayne W. Dyer

In his influential collection of sacred writings, poems, and sayings, Dr. Dyer always dove deep into the minds of the greatest thinkers of the past twenty-five centuries. His perspective on each piece of wisdom continues to offer us new ways to apply these teaching in everyday life. He brought us priceless knowledge from a life well-lived.&nbsp… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: The Daughters of Joy

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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An Adventure of the Heart
Guest: Deepak Chopra

In the search for love and redemption, Chopra threads together the calling in the heart with the desire to discover the power of love. From ancient wisdom to modern life, the lead character, Jess, finds himself in a world he never envisioned… Click for more

Your Sacred Anatomy, Part I – Desda Zuckerman

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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An Owner’s Guide to the Human Energy Structure
Guest: Desda Zuckerman

What if there is an owner’s guide for your life and you never received it? You arrived, spent all of this time trying to figure out the journey, only to discover it could have been so much easier!&nbsp… Click for more

Deepak Chopra: The Path to Love

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Spiritual Strategies for Healing
Guest: Bestselling Author Deepak Chopra

Chopra and I share a conversation rich in content and texture,  discussing one of his very first novels. Embracing the power of spirit in our lives, he inspires us to reflect, ask questions of ourselves… Click for more

Aaron Neal: The Start of Something Big

In Audio, Brands for Good, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Health & Wellness, Money, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The “must attend” event of the year!
Guest: Aaron Neal, founder/producer

Whether you’re listening globally or locally, just get there. 

With a gold-star cast and the most vibrant speakers on the planet, this weekend will light up Utah… 

…and your life!&nbsp… Click for more

Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr.: The Four Agreements – A Toltec Wisdom Book

In Audio, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
Guest: don Miguel Ruiz, Jr, author of The Mastery of Self

Toltec master of transformation and modern-day shaman, don Miguel Ruiz, Jr., opens the pathway to the sacred marriage of the inner and outer journey. Carrying the Eagle Knight lineage… Click for more

Cultivate Your Energy to Raise Your Vibration

In Audio, Featured Leaders, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Dr. Rev. Christopher Macklin 

If this is the year you decided to change your life, then start with clearing energy—which will clear energy and help you to move forward to remove all the blocks that prevent joy. This is one hour that will stretch your boundaries and perhaps your belief system about the power of vibration and energy to shift life… Click for more

Andrew Harvey: Sacred Marriage Through Sacred Activism

In Audio, Featured Authors, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Andrew Harvey, Mystical Scholar, Novelist, Internationally-Acclaimed Poet

Few masters dive so deeply into the mysteries of life…and still remain present to walk among the realities of everyday living. One of the great minds of our time, Harvey inspires our divine purpose to be called to action—while gracefully offering a compassionate blueprint to help transform our hearts and our world… Click for more

Tapping the Unconscious…The Tarot

In Audio, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Author: Robert M. Place – The Alchemical Tarot & The Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery

Robert Place was a delightful surprise of humor, energy and unbelievable insight into life…and how we can use the Tarot as a tool for personal transformation. One hour could only begin to introduce his knowledge and wisdom… Click for more

Jami Larson: Yoga Today – Finding Balance on the Fast Track

In Audio, Beauty, Fitness, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Jami Larson – Founder/Director – We Are Yoga – Salt Lake City, Utah

Ready to make a profound difference in your life in less than one hour?…Then wrap your head around this conversation. Jami Larson delivers one of the best yoga experiences in Utah, but no matter what your state of mind is or where you live… Click for more

Paul Davids: The lifestyle Destination That Sets You Up to Calm Down

In Art, Audio, Healing, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Paul Davids
Writer, Producer, Cinematographer

I am going to let you figure this one out for yourself. Davids is one of Hollywood’s most prolific writers, with a track record of extraordinary success. This film challenges the mind and the belief system. Was Jesus in India during those lost years… Click for more

Wisdom of the Sages…Teachings from the Other Side

In Audio, Healing, Health & Wellness, Spirituality by Danielle Lin, C.N.

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Guest: Dr. Eliezer Ben-Joseph N.D, D.Sc., M.D., MA (Medicina Alternativa)

This rare interview touches on everything from anti-aging, to the possibility that life and death may be incredibly different than we could ever imagine. Returning to his body from a near death experience, Sir Eleizer Ben-Joseph shares a real life story that is more like a movie… Click for more

Don Jose Ruiz: Message from the Mayan Elders about December 21, 2012

In Audio, Community, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Spirituality, Sustainable Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest/Author: Don Jose Ruiz

Son of Don Miguel Ruiz, (‘The Four Agreements”) and next generation lineage holder for the Toltec wisdom, don Jose shares a message of transition for our world. Gratitude, grace, self-love and awareness are themes to consider as we move through this time of global transition… Click for more

Barbara Martin & Dimitri Moraitis: Unlock your Spiritual Powers and Play a Bigger Game

In Audio, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Spirituality, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.1 Comment

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Guest: Barbara Martin & Dimitri Moraitis

Hold onto your consciousness for your are about to shift perspectives. If you are ready shake up your life and go for the gold, you better have the tools. This hour will open a flood gate of wisdom to expand your self-awareness… Click for more