Earthjustice –Tom Turner

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Featured Authors, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Path to Making a Difference
Guest: Author and Historian Tom Turner

From acknowledging raging fires constricting the breath of Mother Earth to melting ice caps changing the landscape, Turner has spent his life diving deep into conversations of global significance. As we address planetary issues of today and challenges for tomorrow… Click for more

Emergence –Barbara Marx Hubbard

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Shift from Ego to Essence
Guest: Barbara Marx Hubbard, visionary

We wanted to honor the passing of one of the great sages of our time. This hour creates questions we should all be asking about the future, while delivering answers that will evolve our world… Click for more

Shamanic Journey with the Medicine Woman –Marcela Lobos

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Spirituality, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Marcela Lobos, Senior Teacher, Four Winds Society

In times of great transition for our planet, we journey to the sacred keepers of knowledge. Medicine woman and teacher Marcela Lobos shares the inner wisdom to heal, restore, and align with Mother Earth. Like any initiation, there is a path to follow for balance and harmony… Click for more

HeartMath® Intelligence: Breaking the Code –Howard Martin

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Favorite Shows, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart
Guest: Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, HeartMath, Inc.

In 1991, when the HeartMath Institute had its humble beginnings, its early research began to shatter belief systems and break paradigms for understanding our relationship to the human body… Click for more

Building with Vision –Daniel Imhoff

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Science of Living, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Finding Sustainable Alternatives to Wood 
Guest: Daniel Imhoff, Author, founder of

Solving major global problems takes work. But why wouldn’t we want to do something meaningful for the planet regarding better choices and more intelligent options? This conversation makes sense now and certainly did when we recorded the original interview in 2013… Click for more

The Mystery of Aenesthesia and Where Does Consciousness Exist –Michael Harrison

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Michael Harrison
Founder/Publisher Talkers Magazine 

This hour spirals up with a multi-faceted conversation—From living in the current climate, to the impact of medical interventions on the brain, mind, and consciousness. We travel though perspective, while pursuing common sense, probing topics that challenge belief systems while reminding us to pay attention to the words we speak and thoughts we think… Click for more

Stones of Light Education Foundation –Scott and Kim Hosking, Julio Salazar

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guests: Scott and Kim Hosking, Founders of Stones of Light Education Foundation
Julio Salazar, Fundación Rose Alliance

On the journey of personal contribution and self-awareness, we find the human experience. On the road to Guatemala, we discover quiet heroes guided by spirit to participate in global transformation… Click for more

A Fragile Thread of Hope –Andi Buerger

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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One Survivor’s Quest to Rescue 
Guest: Author Andi Buerger, Co-Founder of Buelah’s Place 

Bearing the unbearable is hard to write about in a few lines on paper. This week’s story addressing sex trafficking and child abuse is heartbreaking because it’s true. Though severe to report on… Click for more

The Amazing Life of Hemp –Chris Boucher

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Environment, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Chris Boucher, CEO Farmtiva Inc., Farmtiva California Hemp CBD Farms

Flashing back a few years, we can gain perspective as to how far this precious plant has come since the first airing of this interview.

The single most important crop in American history got lost along the way… Click for more

Impact Investing for a Better World –Scott & Adriane Kim Hosking, Alain Romero

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Environment, Featured Leaders, Money, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Making Sense for our Children and the Planet 
Guests: Scott & Adriane Kim Hosking, Founders of Stones of Light® & Good Always® 
Alain Romero, Founder of Las Azucenas® 

Finding solutions to meet world needs can be a daunting task. While non-profit investing has recently slowed down… Click for more

EyeCare4Kids™: Seeing the World Through a Different Lens –Joseph Carbone

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Healing, Health & Wellness, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Joseph Carbone
President & Founder of EyeCare4Kids™ 

How can you measure the value of sight, when it comes to a child’s life? Can you imagine, along with wearing your hand-me-down clothes, you receive hand-me-down glasses? Did you know that one in four youth in the U.S… Click for more

The HeartMath® Solution with Howard Martin

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Development, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Engaging the Power of the Heart’s Intelligence
Guest: Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, HeartMath® Institute

In 1993, when I first journeyed to the HeartMath® center in Santa Cruz, I certainly never imagined that a weekend transformational retreat could alter the way I view our world forever… Click for more

The Earth Keeper Alliance – Adam Hall

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Futurism, Money, Pioneering conversations, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Undeveloping the Future
Guest/Author: Adam Hall

As I read page after page of Adam C. Hall’s offering, I found myself holding my breath…with life breathing through me. The exquisite account of a human being fully expressing himself is the ultimate experience of the soul… Click for more

Brie Malarkey: Hemp Pioneer Breaks New Ground

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Environment, Gardening, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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When Life Creates its Own Story
Guest: Brie Malarkey, Founder/CEO of Sun God Medicinals

There is much at stake for everyone as hemp, CBD and healthier products from natural sources begin to flood the market. This is not a story about smoking cannabis; it’s about choice… Click for more

Mandar Apte, Deepak S. Sridhar, and Shaheen Majeed: World Summit for Countering Violence and Extremism

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Reinvigoration Compassion and Nonviolence 
Guests: Mandar Apte, Executive Director from India with Love, Deepak S. Sridhar, Director, Strategic Partnerships, From India with Love, and Shaheen Majeed, President, Sami-Sabinsa Corporation

In our short time on this planet, we all have an opportunity to make a difference. Whether you are a lover of the plant kingdom… Click for more

Lou Paulson: Devastating Fires Taking Lives

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Science of Living, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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What can we do in the face of disasters?
Guest: Lou Paulson, president of California Professional Firefighters

As flames jump across roadways, devouring one home after another, we see the fragility of life before our eyes. Crops are destroyed, lives are lost. The toll on communities from hurricanes… Click for more

Ancient Science Breaks New Ground in Recovery

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Healing, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Psychology, Science of Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Leslye Moore, National Director PWHT
Guest: Colonel Joel Aoki, Aviation Officer, US Army
Guest: Cyndie Gibson, Ret. Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Director, U.S. Air Force

There is inspired hope for returning veterans struggling with the traumas of war. Project Welcome Home Troops is addressing the urgent need to support those who have served… Click for more

Gary Ginsberg, Ph.D.: What’s Toxic, What’s Not!

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Environment, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Science of Living, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest:  Gary Ginsberg, Ph.D.

Your body is exposed to thousands of toxic substances every single day. From mercury to mold, petrol to hairspray, the list of chemicals can be harmful and even destroy your health. Get educated, make better choices, and find out options concerning the risks and myths surrounding harmful substances… Click for more

Senator Orrin Hatch: Freedom Fighters for DSHEA – 20 Years Later

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Health & Wellness, Pioneering conversations by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest – Senator Orrin Hatch – Utah

Think about this…If it were not for the passing in 1994 of The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, your rights to purchase nutritional supplements could have ended right there. The power of the FDA was running rampant. The question is…Are our rights vulnerable today… Click for more

Loren Israelsen: DSHEA…The night it passed through Congress

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Science of Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Loren Israelsen – President UNPA (United Natural Products Alliance)

This conversation was just after the interview with Senator Orrin Hatch. We loved it so much that we added it as our special feature of the week. Check in for his upcoming interview to enlighten us further on the future of the Natural Products Industry… Click for more

Holly Lucille, ND, RN: From Angelina Jolie’s View – To Your Body

In Audio, Beauty, Causes & Politics, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Creating and Maintaining Balance

Guest/Author: Holly Lucille, ND, RN 

This show is lucky it didn’t catch on fire. “Dr. Holly” knows how to deliver a relevant message that is worth every minute of listening. This “Doc” is sharp as a tack when it comes to the wisdom you really need to know &#8212… Click for more

Elize St. Charles, Ph.D., CNC BBP MBA: Sleeping With Your Cell Phone?

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Featured Authors, Health & Wellness, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.

Guest: Elize St. Charles, Ph.D., CNC BBP MBA

If you’re sleeping with your cell phone near your head….make sure you listen to this critical hour. From stress to cell phone radiation…we cover it all…This program is loaded with “I didn’t know that!” Self-proclaimed, “Encyclopediac” –Dr. Clair is gifted with the wisdom that could only be earned by extraordinary experience… Click for more

Mr. Alan E. Hall: Can We Save America with Your Idea or Vision?

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Authors, Futurism, Money by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Mr. Alan E. Hall

Founder and Managing Director Mercato Partners

If you ask Mr. Alan Hall, Founder of Grow America… the answer to this question would be a resounding – YES! We live in a country where dreams have been etched in stone, built from sweat equity and pursued with passion… Click for more

Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D.: Garden on A Sidewalk…Change the World? Part 2

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Featured Leaders, Gardening, Health & Wellness, Personal Development, Real Food, Science of Living, Sustainable Living, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Seed Your Future Now with Smart Gardening
Guest: Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D. 

This is a whole new way to think about growing your own food and taking responsibility for a sustainable future –Catch part two in the series to get your seeds in the ground on time… Click for more

Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D.: Are Food Shortages a Potential Reality? Part 1 of 2

In Audio, Brands for Good, Causes & Politics, Community, Environment, Favorite Shows, Featured Authors, Featured Leaders, Futurism, Gardening, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Pioneering conversations, Real Food, Science of Living, Sustainable Living, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Smarter Gardens Anywhere You Live
Guest: Howard-Yana Shapiro, Ph.D.

Looking towards a sustainable future. This two-part series offers you freedom from pesticides, GMO’s and who knows what else in your food. Founded under the philosophy of working with nature instead of against it, Permaculture engages us to recycle… Click for more

Joan Wages: Remarkable Women Making an Extraordinary Difference

In Audio, Causes & Politics, Entrepreneurs & Leadership, Featured Leaders, Personal Development, Transformation, Visionaries by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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The Courage to Change the World
Guest/Author: Joan Wages
President/CEO, National Women’s History Museum

It’s a story of courage and persistence over time; women fighting for freedom and the right to earn and empower their lives. The National Women’s History Museum is encouraging men and women to honor the value of all life… Click for more