Better Health, Sex, and Joy – Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living, Sex, Love & Intimacy, Transformation by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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A Smart Woman’s Guide to Hormones
Guest: Lorna R. Vanderhaeghe, M.S.

Balancing your hormones can be a complex task. If you are observing the emergence of belly fat that you didn’t have before, hair thinning, or experiencing issues with intimacy, it can be challenging. The good news is that if you invest some time researching the latest developments in this field of wellness… Click for more

Game-Changing Breakthrough for Tendon Health and Joint Care

In Audio, Fitness, Healing, Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Don’t Let an Injury Take You Out
Guest: Daniel Martinez Puig, DVM, PhD in Nutrition

From over-exercising, to repetitive action or natural aging, we have reached a time referred to as “The Age of Aching.” Whether you are weekend warrior, tapping on your computer, or catching that daily workout… Click for more

Robert Barry, Ph.D.: The Power of Ubiquinol – 3 Keys to Heart Health

In Audio, Brands for Good, Healing, Health & Wellness, Healthy Home, Nutrition, Personal Development, Science of Living, Sustainable Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Guest: Robert Barry, Ph.D.

Heart energy is everything…without it…you start aging! Did you know that your heart beats three million times a month. How is that possible? We called upon expert, Dr. Robert Barry to explain how the heart works, how to prevent Cardiac Disease and what you need to know to protect your energy and vitality for life&#8230… Click for more

Michael Stellitano: The Power of Healing Hands

In Audio, Featured Authors, Healing, Health & Wellness, Science of Living by Danielle Lin, C.N.Leave a Comment

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Accessing You Innate Wisdom to Thrive
Guest/Author: Michael Stellitano

Does everyone have the power to heal? Michael Stellitano says that you can quickly and effortlessly tap into an innate ability to alleviate soreness, tightness, pain and even illness. By unleashing natural energy, health can find its way… Click for more