Because of its usefulness in managing diabetes, Pterocarpus marsupium is famously termed as “the miracle cure for diabetes” in Ayurveda literature. It is believed that Vijaysar was first introduced by Susruta, the ancient surgeon from India for diabetes.
Pieces were soaked in water overnight, sieved and taken by diabetic patients. This was further improved by preparing tumblers carved from the wood of P. marsupium in which water was stored overnight and consumed by diabetic patients the following day.
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About Dr. Anurag Pande
Dr. Pande has been with Sabinsa’s sister company, Sami Labs, since 2004 in a research capacity, and spent several years at Sabinsa Japan’s Tokyo office as Senior Technical Manager. Today, Dr. Pande works from Sabinsa’s Corporate HQ based in East Windsor, New Jersey, USA. Dr. Pande holds a Ph.D. in Phytochemistry from RML Awadh University. He has master of science and bachelor of science degrees from Lucknow University. He is the author of several trade and peer-reviewed publications. By applying his chemistry knowledge to the ingredients Sabinsa promotes, he brings a refreshing viewpoint of understanding how these ingredients work. In his current capacity, Dr. Pande helps with technical marketing, delivers talks on various health benefits, provides worldwide regulatory support of Sabinsa’s portfolio of ingredients, as well as closely working with customers to help them develop new products and formulations in a timely manner.
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About Sabinsa
Sabinsa’s mission is to provide alternative and complementary natural products for human nutrition and well-being. Over the past 30 years, Sabinsa has brought to market more than 100 standardized botanical extracts, and privately funded clinical studies, in conjunction with prestigious institutions, in support of these products. With more than 100 full-time scientists conducting ongoing research in India and the United States, Sabinsa and parent company Sami Labs Ltd. continue to develop, patent and manufacture phytonutrients for the world market, with ingredients that are both Halal and Kosher. For more information, visit