California Fire Foundation Lou Paulson flames
Fire Foundation California Lou Paulson portrait

What can we do in the face of disasters?
Guest: Lou Paulson, president of California Professional Firefighters

As flames jump across roadways, devouring one home after another, we see the fragility of life before our eyes. Crops are destroyed, lives are lost. The toll on communities from hurricanes, violent storms and raging fires continue to deplete resources across our planet.

Pressing on through complete exhaustion and raging adrenaline, first responders offer light in the darkness as they step into the line of fire, blinded by an unstoppable commitment to get their job done. To save a life. To lend a hand—and touch a heart.

Your contributions are needed NOW across our nation. With your help and support, families will continue to be able to receive immediate assistance in their time of crisis. Through the SAVE program (Supplying Aid to Victims of Emergency), you can help our firefighters provide $100.00 gift cards to those eligible during immediate devastation and loss.

Please reach out today and send what you can. You matter more than you know .
