Guest: Kerri Kannan
Founder of CommandMiracles.com
Have you ever had those days when you wished for a miracle but came up short? Tried the Law of Attraction, tapping, hypnosis, and prayer, yet you are still wondering why those dreams seem to pass by. What if there was a formula to change your life’s outcomes and learning it could be simple? International-bestselling author Kerri Kannan says her method works to do just that, she is here to share it with you. After 25 years of research and experience, this vibrant consciousness coach will take you on a journey—if you are ready for the ride. This hour offers the fastest learning curve for turning your heart’s desire into reality. Just make sure you are not driving when you hear this.
Experience Instant Energy Shifts That Effortlessly MANIFEST MIRACLES!
More at: CommandMiracles.com